Eco Conscious Diamonds, Synthetics and Simulants

Written by Mr . Asif Jamil on Monday, May 25, 2009 at 5:49 AM

Eco Conscious Diamonds, Synthetics and Simulants

The holidays are upon us and many of us want to celebrate the special women in our lives with jewelry. Based on the commercials and marketing, a diamond is a girls best friend and diamonds are forever. Thats nice and all, but how do you (or she) feel about them? The subject of Blood Diamonds (or conflict diamonds as they are also known) has been raised to a much higher mainstream level of consciousness, so there are social responsibilities to consider, but what about ecological? Mining isn’t exactly eco-friendly, and its not something that many think about when purchasing jewelry. So what are we left to do to ice out or make our girls feel special?

Ok, I’m done asking questions and it’s time to start providing answers. I’m going to cover mined diamonds, reclaimed diamonds, synthetic diamonds, and diamond simulants. Each has its own benefits and varying impacts on the environment to produce, just think of how educated you will become!

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